South Yemen, formally named the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen, joined the Soviet block two years after independance. The Yemeni government must take effective measures to increase womens political participation, address systemic and discriminatory laws and practices, protect the right of women to equality with men and to be free from all forms of discrimination, and address the underlying social and cultural attitudes that discriminate against women. Feminist Art Practice, 1 Davis & Goodall. SUMMARY 2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5 LEXICON OF YEMENI ARABIC TERMINOLOGY 6 FOREWORD 9 1. While some women have Alawi, 51, grew up in south Yemen, which was an independent state under a Marxist system until its unification with the north in 1990. Brief glimpses at the history of the Yemeni womens movement. Huthi de facto authorities continued their campaign of arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance of women and girls, particularly women human rights defenders and those perceived to be challenging Huthi-enforced gender norms. Although North and South Yemen unified in 1990, the leaders of those states retained control of their armies. World Report 2013: Yemen. The impact of the wars violence and social collapse on women may also be underreported, in part because of the opacity of the war itself. Death-toll numbers in Yemen are contradictory even across UN agencies, where some estimate that 10,000 people have been killed or wounded while others state that a child dies every ten minutes. The U.S.

In the UK, call the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247, or visit Womens Aid. WoMen In Southern Yemen, particularly ritral women, have come a long way from their feudal Past since the country won its independence from Britain in 1967. the General union of Yemeni Women. The religious authorities reduced the power of the women. Empowering and educating women was a priority. Disaggregation, Campaign for Legal & A ^ Financial Independence and Rights of Women. For more than two decades, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) was an interesting experiment in Arab socialism.

The fragile transition government that succeeded President Ali Abdullah Saleh in 2012 following mass protests faces multiple challenges in Embedded in our society are discriminatory laws and guardianship rules. Haidars father was an Adeni teacher who, unusually for the time, was keen to provide his daughter with the same quality of education he had provided for his sons. Dr. Fawziah Al-Ammar and Hannah Patchett This policy brief sheds light on how the ongoing conflict in Yemen has affected womens participation in the workforce. According to Sana, before Yemens unity, womens rights used to be more respected and the gender gap was smaller than it currently is. Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, January 30, 1998. What is the situation of women in South Yemen? Those from South Yemen gained full political rights under the 1970 constitution, while those from North Yemen were able to vote and run for office in the country's first local elections in 1983. U.S. Embassy Sanaa suspended operations in February 2015. "Empowering and educating women was a When we had the uprising, women claimed our rights and space. They experienced discrimination in areas such as employment, credit, pay, owning or managing businesses, education, and housing (see section 7.d. Huthi de facto authorities. & McIntosh. The first democratically elected parliament was convened in 1993. When the two Yemeni states unified in 1990, a reform of the family law took place that was considered an advancement for Northern and a setback for Southern women, as the South had already introduced more progressive women's rights than the North, for instance legal equality in family affairs. The Republic of Yemen, comprising the former (northern) Yemen Arab Republic and (southern) People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, was proclaimed in 1990. Women in Yemen, due to their sex, have been placed at a disadvantage within a highly patriarchal society.

Ambassador to Yemen leads the Yemen Affairs Unit (YAU) based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, through which we maintain our diplomatic engagement with the Yemeni government. INTRODUCTION 10 1.1 Background on Women and Conflict in Yemen 10 1.2 Status of Women and the Impact of Conflict 12 1.3 Impact of Conflict on Gender Roles and Norms 15 1.4 Womens Role in Decision-Making and Peacebuilding 17 1.5 Role of Women in Peacebuilding Before the Arab Spring uprising [2011-2012], Yemeni womens status and rights were terrible. In 1974 a family law was Sun, 12-12-2021 07:30 PM, Aden. The role played by women human rights defenders in Yemen and the dangers they face especially in the past five years, which is the period of war imposed by the Houthi militia on the Yemeni people, Ms. Lina Al-Hassani, President of ToBe Foundation, spoke about her role and fellow women human rights defenders. Yemen is one of the least developed countries in the world, with a Human Development Index of 149 (out of 177 countries), and a poverty level of over 40 per cent. On 7 July 1994 army units loyal to the government of President Ali Abdullah Salih, backed by the militia of the Islamist Reform Grouping or Islah (al-tajammu al-yamani lil lil-islah), entered Aden, the capital of the former southern Yemeni state, thereby in effect unifying North and South Yemen under one rule for the first time in modern history. by Shatha Yaish. While the 1994 constitution stipulates that all citizens are equal in rights and duties, a number of Yemeni laws, regulations, and policies are discriminatory against women, particularly those governing women's rights in the family that have been created by Yemeni legislators under the pretext of Islamic Shari'a. SOUTH YEMENI WOMEN REINFORCE NEED FOR INCLUSIVE POLITICAL PROCESS. History shows that women have played major roles in Yemeni society. Some women of pre-Islamic and early Islamic Yemen held elite status in society. The Queen of Sheba, for example, "is a source of pride for the Yemeni nation". . Seven years into the war in Yemen, there is considerable and growing resistance within the internationally recognized Yemeni government, Houthi authorities, the Southern Transitional Council (STC), local authorities and armed groups toward the promotion of gender equality and womens role in peacebuilding. 2 Summer Reading, O'Rourke. Women's rights under the socialist government were considered the best in the region. [Brussels 12 March 2020] A delegation of women leaders from South Yemen visited Brussels on the occasion of International Womens Day this week. 4. Generations of Yemeni women have lived with gender discrimination. Historically and currently a womans status impacts her vulnerability. Countless religious and cultural norms, coupled with the poor enforcement of the laws by the government of Yemen has Yemen Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997. OUT OF PRINT. Alawi, 51, grew up in south Yemen, which was an independent state under a Marxist system until its unification with the north in 1990. The delegation comprised of Southern political and civil society activists led a public event around advancing Southern womens ). A woman who was active with the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen (FLOSY) recalled that, in 1963, when the revolution started, there were girls, women, men of Aden, all of us. Yemen was ranked second to worst in the 2021 Global Gender Gap Index. However, the government of the newly unified Yemen implemented a new Personal Status Law in 1992 that opted to integrate the more conservative and discriminatory laws that had previously applied under North Yemen's family codes, annulling women's equal rights under South Yemen's family code of 1974. Soon after, South Yemen (Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen) proceeded to do the same and became independent from the United Kingdom in 1967 after being declared a crown colony: [a type] of colonial administration of the overseas territories of the British Empire. It finds that the protracted conflict has, on the one hand, pushed more women into the workforce and new labor markets, in some cases into professions previously dominated by men. By the turn of the millennium, womens and human rights movements were among the first to reengage and express local grievances. In Australia, the national family violence counselling service is on 1800 737 732. Women of South Yemen: Challenges and Empowerments Hardships 9 covering public issue and women affairs, including the news of the female community, women rights in education, work and selecting their life partners.5 Since the withdrawal of the March 8, 2022 Aden (AFP) Yemen's women and girls are bearing the brunt of a seven-year civil war that has robbed many of their freedoms and crippled state institutions, leaving them unable to seek help. Women and Revolution in South Yemen, Molyneux. The experiences of Yemeni women, however, have been shaped and limited by the top-down manner in which rights were extended: first in South Yemen in 1967 and then under North Yemens 1970 republican constitution. While the Yemeni government has made efforts to improve the rights of women in the country, there are a lot of factors that hinder progress. The only recognised political party in South Yemen was the Yemeni Socialist Party, which ran the country and the economy along self-described Marxist lines, modelled on the Soviet Union. Yemen maintains an embassy in the United States at 2319 Wyoming Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20008 (tel: 202-965-4760). The Hayward Annual o 1978, Pollock.

Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination, Snell. In 1953, Nour Haidar established the first girls school in Aden, South Yemen. The Women Solidarity Network of women inside and outside Yemen, from both South and North Yemen aimed at bringing women together to support and protect each other, and at uniting efforts to advocate for womens rights. Women cannot marry without permission of their male guardians, do not have equal rights in inheritance, divorce, or child custody, and have little legal protection. The Yemeni government must take effective measures to increase womens political participation, address systemic and discriminatory laws and practices, protect the right of women to equality with men and to be free from all forms of discrimination, and address the underlying social and cultural attitudes that discriminate against women.

Then the war broke out [2015]. 10 Inspired by the efforts of women elsewhere, for example in the anti-colonial struggle of Algerians against the French, the women and girls of Aden took to the streets to demand an end Republic of Yemen, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Al-Qirar al-Jumhuri bi al-Qanun Raqm 30 Sana 1992 WOMEN'S RIGHTS IN YEMEN * 421 in 1967, a new, secular constitution was adopted in 1970. At the invitation of the UN special envoy for Yemen, 40 In 2006, for the first time in Yemeni history, women were nominated in a presidential election, although none of the three female candidates made it through the entire Cairo (South24) A new study reviewed the impact of political changes on the reality of women in South Yemen, especially after the Yemeni unity in 1990 until today, pointing to the leading Southern womens roles during the previous state of South Yemen, and later to the difficulties they are experiencing due to the confiscation of In the country's modern history, three major events have influenced these struggles and women's political rights: 1) the unification of North and South Yemen in 1990, 2) Yemen's uprising in 2011, and 3) the war that has been ongoing since 2015. Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs) YEM42832.E - The status of women in Yemen; International Yemen's Dark Side - Discrimination and Violence Against Women and Girls - Nov. 2009 (PDF) Freedom House Womens Rights in the Middle East - 2010 (PDF) (YSP) in the Former South Yemen - Sept. 2002 (PDF) Foreign Government Reports. Case of South Yemen 1967-1987 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), chapter 4, "The Enigma of Yemeni 'Unity'." Religious figures do not stop criticising defenders of womens rights, she added.