The Northern Territory is divided into 25 divisions for Legislative Assembly (Assembly) elections. T1 - Ethnicity and Buddhist nationalism in the 2015 Rakhine State election results.

Updated 14 Apr 2015, 2:39pm. . A general election for the 56th Parliament of New South Wales (NSW) was held on Saturday 28 March 2015. With shock exit poll suggesting Labour will lose . The Western Australian Electoral Commission is an independent body responsible for the impartial conduct of elections and polls as part of Western Australia's democratic process.

Tue 27 Jan 2015 15.29 EST 283 0 Trust, asset sales and "strong" plans have dominated the Queensland election campaign as voters preparing to head to the polls on Saturday. You can watch some of this video on Sunrise Interview (Channel 7).voterightsparty.comI'm contesting the . Total Formal First Preference Vote by Party. The 2015 Bougainville election was the third held since the Bougainville Peace Agreement, and marked the beginning of a five year window in which the referendum on independence is scheduled to be held. The 2015 elections will involve around 32 million registered votersin Burma and overseasselecting from 93 parties and 6,189 candidates contesting seats at the national, regional, and state levels. Learn about 579 famous, scandalous and important events that happened in 2015 or search by date or keyword. . Jan 31 Australia defeats South Korea in football to win the 2015 AFC Asian Cup; Jan 31 Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees: .

Senate special count results. The 2015 Bougainville election was the third held since the Bougainville Peace Agreement, and marked the beginning of a five year window in which the referendum on independence is scheduled to be held. January 31, 2015 - 8:36AM Queensland Premier Campbell Newman is fighting for votes in the state election . Who won the popular vote Australia 2019? View 2021 election results from key races in Florida, Virginia, New York, Ohio and New Jersey. AU - Tun, Than. The survey asks a wide TY - CHAP. In the 2019 election, Sportsbet had to fork out $5.2 million after mistakenly calling early a Labor win two days before the election was called in favour of the Coalition. Changing Electoral Boundaries Candidates Michael Sharpe LIBERAL Following a dispute of the results, the Western Australian results were declared void. View results of past state elections. The Parliament was prorogued on 8 August 2016 with the election held on 27 August 2016. Polling Day. The 1st ACDC song, Thunderstruck, had to be removed. 15 March 1901. winning leader and party. Up to the minute results in the 2015 General Election from BBC News. 2 Oct 2015 September 2015 Campbell Newman says Tim Carmody appointment is his biggest regret Former Queensland premier says making Carmody chief justice of the supreme court was a bad move. Tags : ALP 2016 Electorate Analysis, Demographics Elections, Voter Profiles Australia, Voter Profiles by Electorate. The 2015 Bougainville election was a milestone for womens political representation. Calls for Ed Miliband to resign as recriminations begin in Labour camp. N2 - Myanmar's 2015 election was distinguished by the overwhelming victory of the National League for Democracy (NLD), not only at the national level, but also in most of the states the home of minority ethnic nationalities that were considered to be . He spoke in front of a . Australia has announced its intention to seek election to the United Nations Human Rights Council for the 2018 . 12 midday AWST Thursday 27 August 2015. The Australian Labor Party (ALP), led by Mr. Bill Shorten, increased the number of seats won from 55 to 69 in the House of Representatives.

T he 2019 federal election was held on Saturday 18 May 2019. Following amendments to electoral legislation in 2011, State General Elections for both houses are now held every four years on the second Saturday in March. Under current election rules, the date of the election is at the discretion of the Governor under advice from the Premier, although the leaders of the two largest parties support in principle a change to fixed four-year terms. Ahead of the Australian federal election, it's important to know what each party and candidate stand for. Nov 27, 1998: Election Funding Payments: 1998 Federal Election; Oct 04, 1998: 1998 Federal Election - Week 6 Aftermath; Oct 01, 1998: 1998 Federal Election: Australian Democrats Advertisements; Oct 15, 1997: Kernot Quits Democrats To Join Labor; Jan 17, 1997: Kernot: The Leadership Test - Australia In The Next 20 Years . State election and by-election results from 1856 to 2007 . Going against the trend The survey found that 79 per cent of these voters switching support away from Labor disapproved of the way the ALP . Kerryn Baker and Thiago Oppermann undertook election observation during the campaign, polling and counting periods. Labor's Sharpe chose to run for the lower house seat of Newtown in last month's state election, and lost the inner-Sydney seat to the Greens. . 5 March 1901. Advocates for voting reform are unimpressed. All accounts may be subject to deletion during this phase. . Instead effort has been focused up to now on online registration, at a cost of 100m. Issue of Writ. Updated: 10 December 2019. DEMOGRAPHIC GUIDE TO 2016 ELECTIONS. 1901. Ed Miliband was introduced as "the next prime minister". NSW state election 2015: Parliamentary inquiry set to be held into Mike Baird's UBS controversy By Sean Nicholls and Nicole Hasham Updated March 21, 2015 2.27am first published at 12.00am Members were elected to all 93 seats in the Legislative Assembly using optional preferential voting.Members were also elected to 21 of the 42 seats in the Legislative Council using optional preferential proportional representation voting. This is a table showing federal election dates and outcomes since 1901. Australia; Europe; Latin America . The table shows: all federal election dates since 1901. whether incumbent governments were re-elected or defeated. On 23 March the Daily Telegraph reported a Galaxy poll of 535 Entrance voters showing the Liberal Party with a two-party preferred lead of 51% to 49%. May 04, 2015: Australian Sex Party - (re-registered 23/07/15) Apr 16, 2015: Mutual Party - (formerly Bank Reform Party) Apr 16, 2015: Australian Democrats. You can view the draft timeline for the election here . The Commission employs 50 staff and has an average annual budget of around $8 million in a non-election year. If you'll be in NSW . . 2015. To find your closest polling place, you'll need to know your electorate. Margin/swing to lose - 11.8% Date Polling day is Saturday 19 September. The next State general election in Western Australia is scheduled to be held on 8 March 2025. The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, hereafter 'Burma', announced in July this year that it would hold elections for national, state, and regional parliaments on 8 November 2015. 1,771. indicates elected candidate (s) for this election. The reported first preference votes were Liberal 46%, Labor 40% and the Christian Democrats 10%. By 2005 the number had reached 50 and at the 2019 ordinary elections the Commission conducted postal ballots for 86 local governments. The number was about 92 at the 2021 . On 5 January 2015, media organisations reported that Newman intended to announce the election date the next day. Canadian Federal Election. The forthcoming NSW election is looking to be one of Australia's more accessible state elections thanks to the remote electronic voting system, iVote. Live Results - New South Wales Votes - NSW Election 2015 (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) 90.5 % Counted. Mar 29 Nigerian General Election - voting is extended to a 2nd day . Y1 - 2016. The largestever cohort of women candidates contested; one candidate, Josephine Getsi in Peit constituency, became the first women elected to the House of Representatives in an open seat. The 2016 Australian federal election was a double dissolution election held on Saturday 2 July to elect all 226 members of the 45th Parliament of Australia, . Find the latest election coverage, news and updates. We pay our respects to . Tom Elliott, leader of the Ulster Unionist Party from 2010-2012 and member of the Northern Irish Assembly since 2003, won his seat in Fermanagh and .

Published: 7 Apr 2015. Polling places are open between 8am and 6pm on Saturday, March 28. The election saw the Liberal/National retain power despite a drastic decline in . Coalition 54. . 2018 Darling Range By-election 2018 Cottesloe By-election 2014 Vasse By-election . Postal elections for local government were first trialled by four local governments in 1995 and the number opting to hold postal ballots has steadily increased since then. Feb. 2, 2015; SYDNEY, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, struggling to keep unhappy political allies from toppling him, said on Monday that he would abandon some costly and unpopular . This awesome website, Election Sausage Sizzle, shows you which polling places offer snag sangers and cake stalls after you vote. Under the Morrison government, Australia made very little effort to increase its climate action in the crucial period to 2030, refusing to increase the 2030 target it submitted in 2015 ahead of the Paris Agreement's adoption. . Western Australia is divided into 59 . The 2015 United States elections were held (for the most part) on Tuesday, November 3. The Western Australian senators were elected at the 2014 special election in Wester Australia . All states and territories have fixed-term election dates, except for Tasmania. Kerryn Baker and Thiago Oppermann undertook election observation during the campaign, polling and counting periods. / SEMINAR - The 2015 . Ed Miliband: Every Labour manifesto promise is fully funded. NSW 2015 Live Results. As a result, all 150 seats in the House of Representatives, as well as all 76 seats in the Australian Senate were up for election. 2016 federal election results; Official federal election results as they were at the return of the writs (8 August 2016) for the 2016 federal election. Credit: NSW Electoral Commission. "As a contingency the system was planned and tested for a capacity of 500,000 votes -- double the capacity required for the 2015 and 2019 NSW State elections," they said. Following the 2016 federal election the High Court of Australia sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns has ordered a number of special Senate counts. An amendment to the Electoral Funding Act 2018 makes it unlawful for a person to make or accept a political donation in the form of cash over $100..

/ SEMINAR - The 2015 . Australia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; US & Canada; Business . UK vote share change since 2015 after 650 of 650 seats. The Australian Election Study (AES) provides the most sophisticated and comprehensive source of evidence ever collected on political attitudes and behaviour in Australia. Labour chose Manchester to launch its 2015 manifesto. 2022 Election Costings. Key dates for the 2015 Canning by-election. indicates distributed preference votes have been released for the district. - NSW. "There were 283,699 users . Read More. Penny Sharpe to nominate . Zimmerman faced a double-digit primary vote swingmore than triple that of the 2015 Canning by-electiondespite the absence of a Labor candidate. 1900-1919: turbulent years. Labor has never been successful in . 2015 North Metropolitan Region (LC) Re-count 2013 Agricultural and Mining and Pastoral Regions (LC) Re-count . . Special Election: 4/28/2015: Results : Special Election: 2/10/2015: Results : 2014 Elections. That the colours tend to be more pale in 2015 is a reflection of the state-wide swing toward Labor. The Liberal-National Coalition, led by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, won a majority in the House of Representatives with 77 of the 151 seats and 51.5 per cent of the national two-party preferred vote, a net increase of one seat on the 2016 election result. Close of nominations. Historical events from year 2015. Year. The 2016 elections followed the first "double dissolution" (see note) since 1987. ADS, in conjunction with ESRI and Map Data Services, have produced a dashboard and linked interactive maps, to show you. The final enrolment figure is the total number of people who are entitled to vote in an election. Up to the minute results in the 2017 General Election from BBC News. The iVote system was introduced for the NSW State General Election in March 2011, . 10,551. In accordance with the Act, the Government, the Leader of the Opposition, or a . [1] As this has the potential to be Burma's first credible national poll in 25 years, the expectations surrounding the elections are high. The number of seats has increased steadily over time, from 111 for the first election, to the current total of 227. Australian National University (College of Asia and the Pacific . During the election campaigning, the major parties focused on the health system, child care, tax cuts and climate change. The success of the iVote system will be keenly watched by those with an interest in electronic voting. May 06, 2015: Single Parents' Party. 8pm AWST Monday 24 August 2015. This new category of unlawful political donation is in effect from 1 January 2020. While the Government adopted a net zero by 2050 target, the actions set out in its Long-Term Strategy will not achieve that target, falling short by a considerable margin. A Federal election for the Parliament of Australia was held on Saturday 6 October, 2018 and was the result of a call for a double dissolution by the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove. The following tables show state-by-state results in the Australian Senate at the 2013 Australian federal election . Apr 14, 2015: Freedom and Prosperity Party - (formerly No Carbon Tax Climate Sceptics) Mar 17, 2015: Stop CSG Party. "It's crazy that in 2015 we're expecting young people to queue . A review of the failure of the polls at the 2015 UK general election found that three groups were underrepresented in the polling: older voters, who predominately voted Tory; young non-voters, who were polled less frequently . The NT has a fixed election date, the fourth Saturday in August, every four years: the previous election was held on 25 August 2012. Issue of writ. Rejected declaration votes are not included in the voter turnout calculation. A state election pitch to move Australia's Formula One Grand Prix from Melbourne to Sydney is ill-advised, Australian Grand . House of Representatives Elections.

Chief Polling Place ABC News is currently running Vote Compass for the Australian federal election. Supporting . Election Results and Voters' Pamphlets Click on any year to expand and view results, voters' pamphlets, and other data. The next federal election is also not fixed, although a half-Senate election must be held by June 30, 2022, so a House and Senate election is most likely to be held between August 2021 and May 2022. The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 outlines arrangements under which the Secretaries of the Treasury and the Department of Finance (Finance) may be requested to cost election commitments during the caretaker period for a general election. Close of Nominations. Wednesday, 18 March 2015 17:19pm. We also provide electoral services to local governments. losing leader and party. Close of rolls. 2022 Australian Federal Election. Monday 17 August 2015. A total of 112,809 voters are on the roll and able to vote at the by-election and 12 candidates have nominated for the contest (see below). 7 May 2015. This article summarises results for the general elections to the Australian House of Representatives and Senate, respectively the lower and upper houses of Australia's federal bicameral legislative body, the Parliament of Australia. MORE: NSW election 2015: Results, updates and more

You can access the results of past state and local government elections, and referendums and polls. Latest news and results for the General Election 2015. . The off-year election included a special election for Speaker of the House. The Western Australian Electoral Commission acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which our electoral activities . While remote internet voting was used in the NSW state election in 2011 on a smaller scale, the NSW Electoral Commission estimates that up to 200,000 voters will use iVote in the 2015 election. Julie Bishop retained her position of deputy leader defeating Kevin Andrews 70 votes to 30. Feb. 2, 2015; SYDNEY, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott, struggling to keep unhappy political allies from toppling him, said on Monday that he would abandon some costly and unpopular . % +% LAB Labour +9.5. Following amendments to electoral legislation in 2011, State General Elections for both houses are now held every four years on the . - Federal - between August 2021 and May 2022 - non-fixed . Announcement of election. State By-elections. History of elections in Victoria. 2015 Canning by-election - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Canning Perth South-east suburbs and Mandurah Liberal held. Voter turnout is calculated by dividing the sum of formal and informal votes by the final enrolment figure. The Australian Labor Party (ALP), having lost government at the 2012 election and retaining just seven seats, emerged with 44 of the 89 seats with a swing of 10.8 per cent. Summary This is a joint report by Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Law Centre. The DUP's Gavin Robinson beat fellow Christian Naomi Long of the Alliance Party in Belfast East, winning 49 per cent of the vote. Key dates for the 2015 North Sydney by-election; Issue of writ: Monday 26 October 2015: Close of rolls: 8pm AEDT Monday 2 November 2015: Close of nominations: . A representative public opinion survey, the AES has been fielded after every federal election since 1987. This login system is currently in beta. Carol Monaghan is one of the 50 new SNP MPs in Westminster.She won 55 per cent of the vote in Glasgow North West. Canning byelection 2015 21 September 2015 Canning postal votes show change in Liberal leadership did not help Hastie The pre-poll votes, most of which were submitted before the change in Liberal. johnblack June 23 ,2016. New senators took their places from 1 July 2014. We are legislated to conduct, regulate, and report on general elections and by-elections for the Parliament of New South Wales. For example, preliminary analysis of the social media data on the 2015 Queensland election (held on 31 Jan. 2015) shows exceptionally strong activity by and public Listing of Senate election dates from 1901 to 1983. Australia - Interactive state election map. Who we are What we do The Australian Election Study - a detailed ''exit survey'' of voters from last year's election - found that one in four people who had voted Labor in 2007 changed their first preference to another party at the 2010 poll. PY - 2016. 2022 South Australian by-election for Bragg - 02 Jul 2022 By-election for the House of Assembly district of Bragg; ClubsNSW - 04 Jul 2022 . Updated 14 Apr 2015, 2:39pm. How often are state elections held Australia? Turnbull defeated Abbott, 54 votes to 44, becoming the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia and Prime Minister-nominee.

The AEC acknowledges the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters, culture and community. but a text message supporting his campaign might backfire. Opinion polls have the. General: 11/4/2014: Results: Voters Guide: Data: Offices Open: Candidates Who Filed: Primary: 8/5/2014: Monday 17 August 2015. Beagle Bay Community - Wednesday 14 October 2015 - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm One Arm Point Community - Wednesday 14 October 2015 - 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm Djarindjin Community - Thursday 15 October 2015 - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm Lombadina Community - Thursday 15 October 2015 - 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm. Total State Enrolment 2,981,145. Picture: Jack Tran / The . 1920-1952: minority governments. The Australian Politics and Elections Database is being archived and no information will be added on elections or changes of government that occur after December 2018 Existing Database information on Australian elections and periods in government from 1856 to 2018 will continue to be upgraded with missing information and enhanced notes. Campaigning in Australian election campaigns at local, state, and federal levels is fundamentally affected by the fact that voting is compulsory in Australia, with citizens . . The election was conducted by the New South Wales . Electronic voting itself is not new to Australia. SNP avalanche sweeps aside Douglas Alexander and Jim Murphy. With no contender, a February 2015 leadership spill motion had seen Abbott defeat a motion to spill the leadership 61 votes to 39. In most booths, right across the state, the two-candidate preferred result is closer in 2015 than it was in 2011. Party. Queensland State Election, Australia. Alberta Provincial Election, Canada. 2014. [7] The national House of Representatives has 330 directly elected members. New South Wales State Election, Australia. The 2015 Queensland state election result surprised many observers with the dramatic shift in the fortunes of the two major parties. 2015 Legislative Assembly results 2011 Legislative Assembly results. Periods of Labor and Coalition government are shaded. As is the case with other unlawful political donations, any unlawful cash donation accepted by a person is payable to the State and may be recovered by the NSW . It may be that Australia's compulsory voting is one of the reasons that polling still works for Australian elections. 36.70.